Thursday, July 24, 2008

Getting Ready for SPACE CAMP

On Sunday, July 27th our Time Out students along with Pam West, Mrs. Jordan, and myself will be traveling to Huntsville, Alabama for Space Camp at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. Students from Smith Elementary in Aurora and William Brown, and Victor Herbert Elementary Schools in Chicago entered research essays, and 12 students were selected to attend Space Camp this year.

I am so excited to meet all of the students and see what Space Camp is all about!

We have all our gifts ready to go for our campers, and we are just about packed up!

For more information about what kinds of things we will be doing visit:

I'll be keeping you updated throughout our journey, so stay tuned for more!

See ya Sunday!



The Nairobi Women & Children's (NWCH) said...

Hey Lisa!
I know you are going to have an absolutely incredible time with Mrs. J, Pam and the students. United Airlines is always so accommodating, making the experience memorable from the moment you arrive at the airport!

I can't wait to see the student's faces when they open their National City gift bags at the airport!!

Like so many students, perhaps you too will come back from Space Camp with new aeronautical career aspirations. I will be watching....

The Nairobi Women & Children's (NWCH) said...

HEY! How is Sapce Camp thus far?
Did the luggage arrive?

Lisa said...

YES all of the luggage arrived!! Ours was the first luggage off of the plane. Thanks to the help of Michael Jackson from United, everything went very smoothly for our group!

Everyone is safe and sound in Huntsville, and they are having a great time!